Glancing over at my wife on a recent four-hour drive though, I couldn’t help but feel some envy. Here I am staring straight ahead over-thinking the past week and the week ahead and she’s stretched back, mouth wide-open in a deep, restful sleep. I guess the energy she spent reading magazines for the past hour really tired her out.
Maybe I should close my eyes for a bit next time that happens. Those rumble strips on the side of the road should wake us both up in time, right? Ok, that’s extreme. I guess we could come to an agreement that she drives some of the time. If I do that, though, we might start down a slippery slope. Soon my wife could be manning the grill, taking out the trash, and commandeering my role as the big spoon in bed.
Nope, Driving Miss Daisy it is and will continue to be.
My Love is always alerting me to the obvious dangers when I drive: that car is stopped ahead; that 18-wheeler is merging in front of you. Instead, she should be urging me NOT to turn into that Dunkin' Donuts for a cup and half dozen crullers.